Tipo de cliente: Empresa. Tipo de indústria na qual se insere o negócio: Saúde. Tipo de indústria: Nao. Facturação anual do negócio: **** *** * **** *** *. Nº de colaboradores/as da empresa: Pequena (menos ** ** *****************. Preferências de deslocação: Deslocar-me-ei até **** ************. Par...
Qual a área total (m2) a ser intervencionada: Mais que *****. Onde será colocado o pavimento: Espaço interior. Já adquiriu o material necessário: Sim, já ***** * ********* . Para quando quer a realização do serviço? **********. Horas a que prefere ser contactado/a: Horário laboral *** * ****. Mais a...
Local da intervenção: Prédio. Área: ** a *****. Qual é o tipo de pedra: Tijolo de *******. Projecto: Sim, já ***** ********. Descrição do projecto: O prédio *** ************** ** ********* * ****** ** ****** ************** **** ********* *********** * ******** ** *** *** ******* ** **** ** *** ****
Local da intervenção: Prédio. Área: ** a *****. Qual é o tipo de pedra: Tijolo de *******. Projecto: Sim, já ***** ********. Descrição do projecto: O prédio *** ************** ** ********* * ****** ** ****** ************** **** ********* *********** * ******** ** *** *** ******* ** **** ** *** ****
Job Description Remote work – Equipment provided by the company. Are you fluent in German and have strong communication skills? We have exciting job opportunities in Faro! Take the next step in your career by working with some of the top global brands. What You Will Do: - Communicate with customers
O que pretende reparar/re-estofar: Tejadilho; Onde deseja que o serviço seja realizado?: Na localização do Especialista (máx. 15 miles de distância) Estofadores de Automóveis - realizar o estofamento do seu veículo - estofador de automóveis
Job Description Remote work – Equipment provided by the company. Are you fluent in German and have strong communication skills? We have exciting job opportunities in Faro! Take the next step in your career by working with some of the top global brands. What You Will Do: - Communicate with customers
Job Description Remote work – Equipment provided by the company. Are you fluent in Dutch and have strong communication skills? We have exciting job opportunities in Faro! Take the next step in your career by working with some of the top global brands. What You Will Do: - Communicate with customers v...
Job Description Remote work – Equipment provided by the company. Are you fluent in Dutch and have strong communication skills? We have exciting job opportunities in Faro! Take the next step in your career by working with some of the top global brands. What You Will Do: - Communicate with customers v...
Remote work – Equipment provided by the company. Are you fluent in Dutch and have strong communication skills? We have exciting job opportunities in Faro! Take the next step in your career by working with some of the top global brands. What You Will Do: - Communicate with customers via phone, chat,